Mercy in Action
Light and Salt Ministries reaches out to the elderly, widowed, disabled, abandoned and/or at-risk people of our city with weekly food packs (raw rice, beans, and oil). Our beneficiaries also receive weekly Bible studies, psychological attention, and group sessions. We do yearly building and/or repair projects in accordance with the funds donated, as well as offer poverty relief, and occasional medical aid. We are preaching the gospel and helping the poor, because one without the other is not complete.
The Mercy in Action Program is a Christian based “help in time of need” way of disciplining nations. The scriptures tell us in the book of Matthew 25:31-46 that the Son of Man will judge the nations as a Shepherd divides the sheep from the goats. The latter of which will give account as to why they did not give drink to the thirsty, food to the hungry, clothes to the naked or take in the stranger. The former will rejoice in the gift that is everlasting life because of what Jesus tells us, “Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did to one of the least of these, you did it to Me”.